It is the administrative center of the Tarter district. The administrative center of the district, the city of Tartar, is located on the ancient caravan route from the right and left banks of Tartarchay. The historical name of this place was Chaparkhana. Historically, there was a caravanserai and a fortress located 17 km away from Barda, the ancient capital of the Albanian state, on the site of the city of Tartar. In 1940, it was given city status and named Mirbashir. In 1991, the historical name Tartar was restored.

According to the results of the 1921 Azerbaijani agricultural census, 992 people (210 households) lived in Tar-Tar of Jevanshir district of the Azerbaijan SSR, where the main nationality was Azerbaijani Turks (Azerbaijani).

On July 8, 2022, the master plan for the development of the city until 2038 was approved.

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