Cuisine of Shamakhi

Shamakhi is hospitable and cheerful by nature. Here's a widespread joke: When the unexpected guests of Shamakhi arrive, the host always asks: Do you want a tea? Then, regardless of the guests' response, tea and sweets are brought to the table. This is called "Shamakhi style offering"!

Azerbaijani cuisine is one of the most interesting and unique cuisines in the East, with its delicate taste and variety of dishes. Shamakhi culinary is very rich and famous with 46 types of pilaf, 14 types of dolma, 16 types of kebabs, and 12 kinds of Qutab. To illustrate the richness of Shamakhi cuisine, it is enough to remember a fact from history.

In 1662, the famous English traveler and merchant, Anthony Jenkinson visited the Shirvan ruler Abdullah Khan Ustachli and was fascinated by the assortment of national cuisine. The khan invited him and hot and cold dishes, salads, snacks, and desserts were served on the table.

Today, the most popular national dishes of Shamakhi are shuyud plov, dolma, sabzi, and various kinds of kebabs. For dessert, you will be given lemon sharbat with coriander seeds added to it and sujuk will be served on the plate. The sujuk is made from hazelnuts, walnuts, and sugar that are added to the wheat starch. For sweets, it is advisable to taste Shamakhi mutekkesi.